evaa_seminars are intended more for an academic audience and are usually held at Unibz or other research institutions. They aim to bring ...
View allQuesto volume nasce da alcuni interrogativi su come sia possibile affrontare gli studi decoloniali in Italia e nell’università italiana. Come ci interrogano pratiche politiche, concetti, teorie, riflessioni prodotte in America
Discover moreThey are mostly held in non-academic venues and are broadly announced also in different social platforms as well as in the newspapers. There is an important part of time left for discussion. Each ethnocafé has a discussant specialized in the topics discussed who tries to engage the audience.
evaa_seminars are intended more for an academic audience and are usually held at Unibz or other research institutions. They aim to bring ...
View allDie Vortragsreihe „Oben bleiben. Landwirtschaft und Gesellschaft“ spannt den Bogen vom Gedenkjahr 1525 an den Bauernkrieg in Tirol bis zur aktuellen Situation der Landwirtschaft in Südtirol und Europa, die sich