From 2023 to 2026 the board of evaa consists of the following persons:President

Marina Della Rocca
Anthropologist, Bachelor at the University of Bologna, Master at Ca' Foscari in Venice and PhD in General Pedagogy, Social Pedagogy and General Education at the Free University of Bolzano. Her research concerns gender and migration, focusing on the intersection of gender-based violence and migration processes. She is an expert of violence against women, an area in which she has worked as an operator at an anti-violence centre and on which she provides training for schools and services. Her studies and publications are addressed both to an academic audience and to social work practitioners, with a preference for applied and engaged ethnography. She recently published her first monograph “Una casa per tutte le donne. Etnografia della relazione di accoglienza con donne migranti in situazione di violenza”
Vice President

Elisabeth Tauber
University studies in anthropology, history and philosophy at the FU Berlin and Univ. Edinburgh. PhD in anthropology at LMU Munich and Univ. Florence on marriage and death among the Sinti in Northern Italy. Fellowship of the Heinrich Böll Foundation (Berlin) and the Fritz Thyssen Foundation (Cologne). Research interests include gift exchange (economies of begging), state and institutions, ethnographic archival research, relations between humans and other living beings in Europe. Co-founder of the Malinowski Forum for Ethnography and Anthropology (MFEA-unibz).
For several years research on global relations of alpine grasslands, for which she leads the research project "Global pastures" (LEAD SNF - South Tyrol) in collaboration with ecologists and designers, when „grass" is considered in its own sociality, providing an ethnographic perspective on changes in the social dynamics and the relationships between grass, grazing animals, and people. Since 2020 Associate Professor of Sociocultural Anthropology at the Free University of Bolzano.

Daniela Salvucci
Daniela Salvucci is a sociocultural anthropologist and junior researcher at Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (unibz). Her current research deals with cultures of mountain people in comparative perspective and with the story of the Malinowski family in South Tyrol. She collaborates with the Platform Cultural Heritage Cultural production (unibz) and the MFEA-The Malinowski Forum for Ethnography and Anthropology (unibz). She has carried out ethnographic fieldworks in Italy and Argentina and done research at the IAI-Ibero Amerikanisches Institut, Berlin, and at the CEMLA-Centro Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos, Buenos Aires. Her thematic fields are kinship and family studies, rituals and indigenous territories in the Andean region, history of anthropology and practices of heritage-making.

Patrick Urru
Since 2008 he has been working as a qualified librarian in the Italian provincial library 'Claudia Augusta' in Bolzano. In 2007 he received his bachelor's degree in cultural anthropology from the University of Bologna with a thesis entitled "Due gruppi linguistici a confronto. Il conflitto identitario in Sudtirolo“. In 2018, he received his master's degree in cultural anthropology, ethnology, ethnolinguistics (ACEL) from Ca' Foscari University of Venice with a thesis entitled “Ugo Sissa allo specchio. L’Iraq in formato quadrato”. Here he began to develop an interest in his current field of research, oral history. In 2023 he received his PhD from the University of Trento, historical studies curriculum of the course “Culture d’Europa. Ambiente, spazi, storie, arti, idee” - scientific-disciplinary field M-STO/08 Archivistica, bibliografia e biblioteconomia - discussing a thesis entitled “Racconti di vita da una terra di confine. Valorizzazione dell’Archivio orale della Biblioteca Provinciale Italiana 'Claudia Augusta' di Bolzano: le videointerviste del progetto Verba manent (2003-2007)”. He is a member of the board of the Italian Association of Oral History (AISO) and president of the Trentino-South Tyrol Section of the Italian Library Association (AIB). He is also a member of the Oral History Society and the International Oral History Association.
Board Members

Stefan Festini Cucco
Sociocultural anthropologist and cultural professional. Studied political science, international relations, and diplomacy at the universities of Siena, Trieste and Lisbon (BA) and ethnology and anthropology (MA) at the universities of Leipzig and Rio de Janeiro. PhD in Sociocultural Anthropology, Humanities and Social Sciences at the universities of Cologne and Salento. Editorial member of DADA - Rivista di antropologia post-global. Fieldwork in Ethiopia on the liturgy of the zar cult (2010), trance and aesthetics in Afro-Brazilian cults in Rio de Janeiro (2011/12), on bodily and emotional-spiritual experiences and perceptions of the "other" in the Everest region of Nepal (2014), and on social change between mountain and sea among the Berbers of the Central Rif in northern Morocco (2016/17). Research assignments at the University of Bolzano in collaboration with Bolzano Social Services and the Province of Bolzano (2019/20). In 2021/22 he was a researcher in the project "Biomen: Biodiversity in National Parks: comparing scientific data with people's perceptions (BIOmen)" and conducted field research in Stelvio National Park (Trentino) and Asinara (Sardinia). Since 2023 he is researcher for the project "Global Pastures - ethnographic explorations of alpine grassland connections," focusing his ethnographic work on the Triveneto region in Northern Italy. He is also an adjunct lecturer in cultural anthropology at the Free University of Bolzano.

Gianpaolo Chiriacò
He works at the intersection of ethnomusicology, cultural studies and voice studies. He is senior post-doc at the Archive of Popular Music of the Universität Innsbruck, where he is principal investigator of the projects “SONIETHIO”, “Ethiopian-Italian Relationships in Popular Music” and “Research as Vocality: Tracing the African Presence in Naples.”
Previously, he worked for three years at the Center for Black Music Research (Columbia College Chicago). His work on history and anthropology of African-American singing styles and his extended fieldwork in the city of Chicago have been published in a book (Voci Nere. Storia e antropologia del canto afroamericano, 2018) and in several articles. His current research looks at the heritage of Italian Colonialism through the lens of music both in Italy and in Ethiopia. Multimedial works related to his research can be consulted online (
Chiriacò teaches history of jazz at the Department of Musicology (University of Innsbruck) and ethnomusicology at the University of Padua.

Sofíà Sánchez
Social entrepreneur, coach and trainer, facilitator specialized in social constructivism, coaching of leaders, organizations, families, educators, and individuals. Co-founder of the social cooperative Studio Comune, which deals with personal, organizational and community development. She has training in social and cultural anthropology and social work and has developed and implemented training curricula for social action, social policies in the areas of discrimination, social inclusion, gender, awareness raising, supervision and participatory action research with public and private social actors in the third sector in Spain. Furthermore, she has worked as a freelance trainer and researcher on migration with the Spanish Red Cross and UNHCR and now lives in Bolzano, where she works at Studio Comune, is a board member of evaa, and works also for the association Crecer Juntos in Spain, collaborating for the development of services, intercultural, intergenerational, and intersectional encounter activities.